Welcome to my journey of transformation! As a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, my journey began with a focus on overcoming personal challenges. Insights into stress management from the Chek Institute helped me realign my hips and low back. Practical food habits, learned through Precision Nutrition, led to a 22lb weight loss by adopting one habit at a time.
In 2015, a profound experience at the Hoffman Institute taught me that habits are learned behaviors, separate from our identities. Distinguishing between myself as a person and the habits I repeated showed that my enjoyment of a tidy house turned detrimental as I consistently left late to complete tasks.
In 2019, everything really clicked. Discovering Life Coaching equipped me with the tools I needed to stop procrastinating and trying to be perfect. Instead, I learned how to pursue what truly matters to me.
I’m deeply grateful for these shifts, allowing me to close each day with a sense of accomplishment.